About Bill | Brentwood Psychotherapist Dr. Bill Cloke

  • (310) 440-0156
  • bill@billcloke.com

Dr. Bill Cloke

Expert in Psychotherapy Treatment

When I entered college my curiosity lead me to choose a major in anthropology. I was attracted to the field because it was concerned with the study of mankind. I was intrigued by the way culture affected behavior and the striking similarities between people. As a Teacher Corps fellow at USC we worked in teams to bring cutting edge teaching methods to inner city schools. From this experience I learned the value of service and how to work effectively with a culturally diverse population. As a teacher in the Santa Monica City Unified School District I developed individualized instruction programs and learned how to determine and meet the unique needs of my students. I was intrigued by the acceleration in academic performance when my students self esteem improved. I was curious about the relationship between psychology and behavior. I began studying developmental psychology and attachment theory.

I cannot remember a time when I was not curious about people…

In 1979 I was invited to join a private psychotherapy practice in Santa Monica. Under the tutelage of some very knowledgeable and talented therapists I was exposed to the immense field of psychological literature and began my journey into the amazing complexity of human interaction. I decided to return to graduate school and earn a Ph.D. in psychology. My graduate training included cognitive behavioral therapy, humanistic existential, psychoanalytic, self psychology and emotionally focused couple therapy. I have continued to develop specializations in anxiety, depression, self esteem issues, anger management, and relationship counseling. Throughout my career I have worked with people in a variety of ways, from teaching classes, writing magazine articles, appearing on television shows and a stint as a radio psychologist and resident psychologist for an online website. In my work with people I have discovered that if I am actively involved in the therapy process and combine this activity with patience and empathy, that we are able to work through the important psychological issues. It is to this end that I continue to work at understanding and supporting the efforts of people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. I believe that all behavior has a logic to it, and if understood can yield essential information about who you are and what you want and need in your life. My background is in self psychology, humanistic, psycho-dynamic psychotherapy and anthropology. My specialization is anxiety, depression, self esteem, shame and relationship issues.


Professional Education


Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, California State University Northridge

Published in an international field study.

Masters of Science in Education, University of Southern California

Teacher core fellowship, West Coast Representative for the National Teacher Corps.
1970 -

Santa Monica Unified School District

Master Teacher at Franklin school in Santa Monica Unified School District (SMUSD). Started the first gifted program. Served as principle pro tem and head teacher representative.

Ph.D. Psychology, California Graduate Institute

California Graduate School is where I became a professional. I found my foundation as a clinician. Through the dissertation experience I researched and developed a theory for the treatment of the most serious psychological pathology. It was a truly transcendent experience and one that remains vital to this day.