Goals of Psychotherapy | Brentwood Psychotherapist Dr. Bill Cloke


Goals of Psychotherapy

The primary goals of Psychotherapy are:

1) To know yourself better.
2) Alleviate emotional pain or confusion.
3) Assist you in developing a more complete understanding of your psychological issues.
4) Establish more effective coping mechanisms.
5) Foster a more accurate understanding of your past and what you want for your future.

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There are THREE FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES in psychotherapy that will facilitate your reaching these goals.

1. To develop trust or a “therapeutic alliance" with your therapist. During this period the treatment goals are defined and mutually agreed upon. The purpose at this point is to fashion a method of doing therapy that fits best with your personality.

2. In the second phase or “working through" process, the emphasis is on resolving confusions about past experience, and developing ideas about what you want and who you are. The desired outcome is to trust your intuitive process, feel unobstructed about the direction your life is taking, and to advance your efforts to enjoy a more healthy and productive life. The expected outcome from psychotherapy should be that you feel more “at home" in the world, more accepting of yourself and with your life choices.

3. The third or termination phase of therapy is to evaluate your progress, solidify what you have learned, resolve any remaining conflicts, and hopefully feel satisfied with your life and yourself. All three phases are essential to maintaining your psychological gains.

The more interested and involved you are in your therapy the more you will progress. Psychotherapy can at times evoke anxiety, fear, anger, frustration, loneliness and dependency feelings. Unpleasant realities if faced, can be worked through. The emphasis is in replacing fantasy, myth, and untruths with reality. Reality and truth can at times, be painful, but will ultimately lead to more personal happiness and healthier relationships. The goal of psychotherapy is not to change you, change is your choice, but it is to build awareness, compassion, understanding, respect, empathy and acceptance toward yourself and others.


The sessions are 50 minutes in length. You will not be charged for phone calls unless otherwise arranged. I encourage you to call me when necessary as I want you to feel that you can contact me easily to promote progress in therapy. If phone calls are longer than 25 minutes, there may be some charge,and you will be informed of this at the time.


Your fee will be arranged at the time of the first session. Unless otherwise arranged, fees are payable at the end of the therapeutic hour. Please have your check written in advance for greater efficiency. Cash is acceptable. At the end of each month if you are filing an insurance form, you will receive, free of charge, an insurance statement. If at any time you have questions about billing or fees please feel free to discuss this with me as they may affect the progress of therapy. The emphasis here is to be open and honest. There may be from time to time a cost of living increase. The proposed increase will be discussed at that time.


Emergencies may arise which make it impossible for you to come to your regularly scheduled appointment. I will try to give you another appointment as my schedule permits within the week. If the time is available, I will schedule an appointment with you, and you will not be charged for the missed session. If I do not have a time available and you do not give me at least 12 to 24 hours notice, you will be held responsible for payment of the fee for therapy.


All communications are confidential and will be treated as such. You own the information, and I cannot under law give that information to anyone without your expressed written permission. There are certain exceptions. Those exceptions are: child abuse, or the expressed imminent danger to your self or others. It is required by law that I inform a relative, a designated friend or the authorities of these circumstances.


I promise to help you in your efforts to gain a healthier life. I will endeavor to give you my utmost attention, protection, support, honesty, integrity and respect. My intention is to help you to achieve your personal goals. I am on your side, and will not be pressing to make my points at the expense of yours. I believe that there are reasons for all behavior and if understood can lead to important insight and health. Please feel free to ask questions and discuss any aspect of therapy that you feel unsure of. Please correct me if you feel that I am not understanding you. Most difficulties in the therapeutic process are due to misunderstandings, so please express any complaints that you may have, however small they may be. To resolve any and all conflicts, misunderstandings, and differences allows for deeper understanding and healing.

William Cloke, Ph.D.
License Number: MQ17257
Phone: (310) 440-0156